Can I set up an offset account for Hejaz Flexible?

We do not hold offset accounts for this product; however you can utilize our redraw facilities by depositing additional funds into your finance facility. Any money that is deposited in excess of the monthly payment will be automatically allocated as redraw and will help reduce rental charges on the account as we will base our calculation on the total finance facility balance minus the amount available in redraw.

Please note that depositing funds into the redraw facility will not reduce the minimum monthly payment amount meaning that when payments are made, more is going towards paying off the principal of the facility as opposed to being used towards rental costs.

Please find below the methods available for making additional repayments.

  1. BPay Biller Code: 18309
    Customer Ref Number: (your finance facility account number)
    Please note the transaction fee of $1.05 applies.
  2. Netbank Transfer BSB: 066 712
    Account Number: (your finance facility account number)
    Please note the transaction fee of $2.50 applies.
  3. Alternatively, we can schedule a direct debit for you from the bank account your current direct debits are deduct from for the value and date of your choosing.
    There is no fee associated with this method. Please email to have this set up.