Comparing Islamic to Conventional Funds

Comparing Islamic investments to conventional superannuation and investments is not an equivalent comparison.

Islamic investments differ fundamentally from conventional offerings in terms of cost, effort, time, resources, and expertise. Given the more restricted universe of Sharia-compliant assets, it would be inaccurate to expect the same returns as conventional investments, which benefit from unrestricted access to a broader range of opportunities. 

Conventional fund managers have the flexibility to invest in virtually any asset class or market they deem appropriate. In contrast, Islamic investments must adhere to strict Sharia principles, which significantly limit the available options. This creates additional challenges for Islamic fund managers, who must diligently seek and identify alternative opportunities that comply with these standards. 

Therefore, any comparison between the two must take these inherent differences into account to ensure a fair assessment. 

Hejaz Islamic Super has various performance metrics depending on the investment option chosen. For instance, as of April 2024, the Hejaz Super Growth option had a return of 8.54% over six months since its inception. We target between 6-10% net return per annum. Returns are net of investment fees, taxes, and administration fees, providing a clear picture of the net gains to the members.